Diesel Whiskey Row | Tobacco Pouch In Tulsa
If you’ve been around these parts long enough, you’re well aware of the Diesel brand. No-nonsense, full-flavored, and expert...

Sutliff Cinnamon Delight (D67) | The Tobacco Pouch In Tulsa
Cinnamon can be hot and spicy, or it can be smooth, sweet, and comforting. If you’re more in the mellow camp, you’re going to love...

La Gloria Cubana Esteli | The Tobacco Pouch In Tulsa
Born in Cuban roots, La Gloria Cubana Cigars first launched in 1885. Once one of the best kept secrets in the industry, they are now one...
CAO Amazon Basin | The Tobacco Pouch
CAO Amazon Basin tastes as exotic as the tropical rainforest from which it originated. Grown in a remote region in the Amazon Rainforest,...

CAO Nicaragua | The Tobacco Pouch
Since Rick Rodriguez has taken over CAO, they’ve released winner after winner after winner. From the uber-contemporary design and blend...

Peterson Irish Oak Pipe Tobacco | The Tobacco Pouch In Tulsa
Peterson Irish Oak pipe tobacco is a singular blend of Virginias from Zimbabwe, naturally sweet black Cavendish, flavorful Burleys and...

Hoyo La Amistad Black | The Tobacco Pouch In Tulsa
Ever since Hoyo de Monterrey paired up with AJ Fernandez a few years back, the brand has been experiencing an awesome renaissance. And...

Newminster No. 23 Blackberry Brandy | The Tobacco Pouch In Tulsa
Newminster No. 23 Blackberry Brandy combines mellow, nutty Burleys and sweet Virginias from two continents, some of which is processed...

CAO Fuma Em Corda | October's Currently Smoking Cigar of The Month
Back to the Basin! CAO Amazon Basin was one of the most popular new CAO cigars in years. It was only a matter of time before a follow-up...