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July’s Featured Pipe Tobaccos | Try A Featured Pipe Tobacco for $0.50!

The Tobacco Pouch We love to help our customers find the right pipes & tobacco to have their best experience with us. If you are new to the cigar & tobacco pipe world or an aficionado, welcome to #theonlytobaccopouch in Tulsa, Ok! With over 900 cigar facings, 125 pipe tobaccos, accessories and an open to the public comfortable smoking lounge with leather chairs and 70" TV, you’re sure to have a great experience with us!

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Peterson Irish Whiskey

Don't let the name fool you, Peterson's Irish Whiskey is not your ordinary whiskey-flavored aromatic. In fact, it's not heavily flavored at all. This blend of a variety of Burleys from around the globe and hearty dark-fired Kentucky is substantial in body a rich, with just enough Irish whiskey to be noticeable


Tobacco: Burley, Cavendish, Dark Fired Kentucky, Perique, Virginia

Style: AromaticRoom

Note: 2 - Mellow

Cut: Loose Cut

Packaging: Bulk, Tin

Country of Origin: Denmark

Flavor Intensity: 1-Low

Count Pulaski

Count Pulaski is a unique approach to the classic American/English blend. It combines three different types of cuts of Burley, a flake-cut Carolina, some Virginia, and Latakia. It's finished with a combination of traditional flavorings.


Tobacco:Burley, Latakia, Virginia


Note: 3 - Balanced

Cut: Mixture

Top Flavor: Liquor, Misc

Packaging: Bulk

Country of Origin: United States

Flavor Intensity: 2 - Mellow

Cornell & Diehl Gillingham Mixture

A rustic blend of black Cavendish, red and bright Virginias, and a touch of Perique, with a bit of honey to sweeten the pot.

Profile: Medium

Tobacco:Black Cavendish, Burley, Orientals, Perique, Virginia

Style: Aromatic

Room Note: 2 - Mellow

Cut: RibbonTop Flavor:Sweet

Packaging: Bulk

Country of Origin: United States

Flavor Intensity: 3 - Medium

Whether you’re the first-time pipe tobacco smoker or a pipe smoking tobacconist, we’ll carry everything you need to enjoy the best pipe smoking experience possible. So stop by, visit the shop, and explore what we have in stock! Here a few of our newest tobacco pipes, enjoy and see you soon!

Visit Our Website: Give Us A Call: (918) 742-1660 Swing By The Lounge: 3352 E 51st ST, Tulsa, OK 74135

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