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9 Ways to Stuff A Cigar Into Thanksgiving

Turkey Day is here again and marks the perfect time to indulge in some celebratory cigars with your friends or family. Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks for all the good things we have in our lives and sharing a special feast with those we care about most. At 9cigars we are most thankful for finely rolled tobacco, great friends and family, and you – our loyal readers who care enough to read all the cool stuff about cigars that we have in common!

In honor of this very special holiday we wanted to provide our readers with some cool ways to stuff cigars into their festivities.

Without further delay here are nine ways to bring cigars into your celebration this Thanksgiving:

1. Deep-fry the turkey so you have an excuse to smoke a cigar We don’t know if Paula Deen smokes cigars but we do know she knows how to deep-fry a turkey. Instead of spending days prepping the ol’ Thanksgiving turkey for the standard oven bake take a suggestion from us and deep-fry one of these bad boys. A deep-fried turkey takes about five minutes to prep and the total cook time is less than an hour. This means you and your crew can hang outside, smoke cigars, and provide a contribution to dinner. Thanks Paula.

2. Use cigar cutters for napkin rings Not only is this a classy way to spice up the dining table but it also provides utility. Cigar cutter napkin rings are bold, masculine and really cool.

This just may be one item that should be reserved for the adult table; Junior doesn’t need a razor sharp cigar cutter for his napkin ring.

3. Be a gentleman and spray the dishes off with a hose… while smoking a cigar “Honey, I’ll do the dishes tonight” will be the smartest thing you say all night as you slide out the kitchen door and miraculously smoke a stogie and direct the hose at the same time. If you are under close watch use it as an excuse to clean the deep-fryer just like Paula Deen told you to do.

4. Use an ashtray for the gravy tray Thanksgiving is an excuse to buy a really awesome ashtray that is classy enough to double as a gravy tray. You’ll want to pick one up that has a nice bowl unit and one cylindrical outlet that conveniently holds your cigar and makes for a perfect gravy dispenser.

5. Bring cigars for the gang This holiday is all about giving thanks so be the one who gets thanked for bringing holiday cigars for the whole crew.

Take into consideration the time you will be smoking – early day, pre-meal, post meal, etc. – and choose your cigars accordingly. For example a medium bodied cigar might be best pre-meal and a heavier cigar for relaxing on the couch after the meal.

6. Use cigar bands for the wine glass identity rings (tape required) Subtle yet classy, cigar band wine glass tags are a cool way to spice up your night. You’ll need to collect these before the big day so you have enough; or, use it as an excuse to buy a case so you have enough cigar bands to go around.

7. Place an Native American statue next to the humidor (a la cigar shop) Give a tribute to the first Thanksgiving that was made possible by the Native Americans who taught the Pilgrims how to catch eel and plant corn. After the first successful harvest 53 Pilgrims and 90 Native Americans celebrated for three days and smoked nine cigars each!

Why cigars and American Indians? Because they were the ones who introduced tobacco to Europeans. Thanks Chief!

8. The “drink” run An exceptionally important part about Thanksgiving is the drinks that go with it. While the kids are stocking up on soda and ‘purple drink’ the grown-ups are generally enjoying the splendors of fine wine, beer or spirits. Because you are such a good host (or guest) you realize how important it is to pair great drinks with great food. Let the fam’ know you will be running out for about 30 minutes to get some quality beverages that you so conveniently forgot to prepare for. Do we really need to infer that what you are really doing is enjoying a smoke in the car while also being a thoughtful human being?

9. Dessert made right Who says cigars can only be smoked once a day?! This is a celebration and every good celebration has its culmination. For you this means enjoying the fleeting moments with your company with a sweet dessert cigar. The actual cigar can be literally sweet or figurative in that it is indulgent and enjoyable.

Hope you enjoyed this list of nine ways to incorporate cigars into Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from your friends at the Tobacco Pouch!

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